Sunday, October 16, 2011

Occupy Chicago March on Jackson Street

     Last night I was in downtown Chicago on a photo walk with the UChicago Glass Eyeball Photo Club, and we decided to stop by the ongoing Occupy Chicago protests. The protests were being held at the intersection of Jackson and La Salle. When we arrived there were a few hundred people protesting, but as the night went on and people got off work, the crowd grew dramatically. I've seen numbers between 2,000 and 4,000 in the media, but in any case there were a lot of people. Once the crowd was sufficiently large, the protestors Marched down Jackson street, blocking off traffic for probably an hour. The march ended in Grant Park, where many protestors slept over in tents (and over 100 were later arrested). The protest suffered a bit from the lack of coherent demand, but clearly a lot of people are angry about the economy and want change.


Occupy Ann Taylor
Occupy Chicago
Occupy Chicago Protestor 1
Occupy Chicago Protestors 2
Occupy Chicago Protestor 3
Occupy Chicago Protestor 4
Occupy Chicago Protestor 5
Occupy Chicago Protestors 6
Occupy Chicago Protestors 7
Taking to the Streets
Occupy Chicago Protestor 8
Occupy Chicago Protestors 9
Occupy Chicago Protestors 10
Occupy Chicago Protestors 11
Occupy Chicago Protestors 12

a quickr pickr post


Jonathan October 16, 2011 at 3:27 PM  

I really like the last few in particular because they give the sense not just of movement but of a movement. Maybe because of the idea of the 99%—the individuals in the photo are blurred, it's about the people as a whole.

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