Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Morning on the River with UChicago Men's Crew

One fine Thursday morning during UChicago Orientation Week I accompanied the UChicago Men's crew team to the Chicago River on one of their their daily 4am practices. Woefully underdressed, my hands nearly froze off and I was shivering for most of the van ride home. While I was on the water, though, I was concentrated on getting a sharp, in-focus image. With only very dim ambient street light to shoot by, moving targets, and the craptacular Canon 50mm 1.8 (which stuggles to focus properly in well-lit situations), I resorted to spray-and-pray shooting. Four gigabytes later, I got a couple shots that were in-focus and were realtively unblurry. Once the sun came up things got a little better as well. As far as rivers to row on go, passing so close to downtown and all the riverside industry is pretty interesting. Enjoy!

This is actually the women's team. I rode in their van on the way over to the river. 
Downtown Strokes
Streetlit 2
Position Change
Downtown Strokes 2
Riverside Industry
Riverside Industry 2
Riverside Industry 3
Take Out
Take Out 2
Take Out 3


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Photographer, China enthusiast, climate & energy buff. Working in Delhi with the International Innovation Corps.

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