Thursday, May 23, 2013

West Campus Combined Utilities Plant

UChicago has three utility plants that provide steam and chilled water to buildings on campus.  Like a lot of the new buildings at UChicago, two of the plants have entirely glass exteriors, and from the outside you can see all sorts of colorful pipes and vats inside the building. I have been looking for an excuse to get inside one of these plants for a while to take photographs. Luckily,  The Maroon wrote an article about campus sustainability in Grey City, our quarterly magazine, so I got the change to tour one the West Campus Combined Utility Plant. It's a pretty cool structure inside and out, although I don't have any good exterior shoots to show. Enjoy!

Utility Plant 3
Utility Plant 2
Utility Plant 4
Utility Plant 5
Utility Plant 1
a quickr pickr post


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Photographer, China enthusiast, climate & energy buff. Working in Delhi with the International Innovation Corps.

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