Monday, August 2, 2010

Best of July

There are two photos I took in July that I particularly like, so I am giving them their own post. The first was taken through a pane of glass in JFK airport, New York. On the train ride into the airport I saw that there was a great view of the city, but I wasn't able to get my camera out fast enough to take a picture. Luckily on the way to the terminal I got another chance, and the train track made for a great foreground.


The second picture is a self portrait I took for a photo contest. Ever since I got my flash I have enjoyed setting it off full power into the eyes of my unsuspecting friends. I though flashing myself might make for a fun self-portrait. It took around 60 shots before I got my facial expression and body position right. By the end I could barely see, but at least I got a good picture out of it! 



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Photographer, China enthusiast, climate & energy buff. Working in Delhi with the International Innovation Corps.

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