Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lake Merritt

Just ten years ago Oakland's Lake Merritt was in a state of disrepair: the water was polluted, trails were poorly maintained, and the surrounding buildings were dilapidated. After the passage of Measure DD in 2002, however, $115 million was allocated to improving the Lake. Ten years later, Lake Merritt has been transformed into one of Oakland's most valuable public spaces. The water is clean, the the trails are chock full of runners and walkers, and then surrounding buildings have been repaired. When I was back in California over winter break I took a series of photos of the Lake trying to show the improvements that have been made over the years and what a gorgeous place it is now. Hope you enjoy!

Merritt 1

Merritt 2

Merritt 3Merritt 4

Merritt 5

Merritt 6

Merritt 7

a quickr pickr post


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Photographer, China enthusiast, climate & energy buff. Working in Delhi with the International Innovation Corps.

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