Saturday, August 7, 2010

Jamie's Wallpaper Pack

     Spruce up your computer by using my photographs as your wallpaper! I've compiled twelve of my pictures that are best suited to be computer wallpapers and formatted them for popular monitor resolutions. I've tried these out on my own computer and have been enjoying them a lot, so give them a try!


1) Determine whether you have a widescreen or standard monitor aspect ratio. Generally if your monitor is significantly wider than it is tall, you have a widescreen monitor (all recent Macbooks and most laptops have a widescreen aspect ratio). If your monitor is about the same width as height you will want to download the standard version. 

2) Download the appropriate package:

3) Extract the zip file somewhere out of the way (I recommend your Pictures folder). 

4) Set your wallpaper to one of my pictures (Mac | Windows)! If you are using OSX or Windows 7 you can set the wallpaper to periodically rotate so you don't have to manually change it (Mac | Windows).

I have included pictures formatted for 5:4 and 8:5 aspect ratio monitors. If you have a different aspect ratio or a super-high-resolution monitor please leave a comment and I can make a package formatted specifically for your monitor. 



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Photographer, China enthusiast, climate & energy buff. Working in Delhi with the International Innovation Corps.

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