Saturday, June 20, 2015

Return to Gaya, Bihar

My team and I returned to Gaya in March for a second visit to Bahsa Pipra and Badil Bigha villages, the sites of one of our rural electrification projects. This was a shorter visit, and like with Dhankya I didn't take as many photos the second time around. Still, I did manage shoot some fun portraits of a few men in the village showing off their motorcycle as well a a few snapshots of daily life in Bihar. Enjoy! 

Gaya Biker
A man sits on a motorcycle outside the Gaya Junction train station in Bihar.

Gaya Snacks
A street food vendor outside the Gaya Junction train station takes money from a customer.

Foreign Friend
Look! A foreigner! 

Bahsa Pipra Portrait 1
A resident of Bahsa Pipra village, Gaya, Bihar.

Bahsa Pipra Portrait 2
A resident of Bahsa Pipra village, Gaya, Bihar.

Biker Portrait 1Biker Portrait 2Biker Portrait 3

These guys were really excited to have their portraits taken with their motorcycle. 

Biycle Portrait

a quickr pickr post


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Photographer, China enthusiast, climate & energy buff. Working in Delhi with the International Innovation Corps.

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