Delhi, The Taj, and Rajasthan
I've moved to Delhi as part of the International Innovation Corps, a yearlong fellowship that places American and Indian young professionals into Indian public sector institutions to work on scalable solutions to social problems. I'm working with Central Electronics Limited, a state-owned solar manufacturer and the first domestic manufacturer of solar cells and module in India. My team is focusing on building a rural electrification program with an emphasis on smart solar microgrids. I've been here Since mid-July, but between finding an apartment, getting over the culture shock, and settling in at work I haven't had time to post photos. The photos below are from around Delhi, a visit to the Taj Mahal, and a field visit to Rajasthan I made for my work. I have at least three blog posts worth of photos in the pipeline, so keep your eye out for more photos coming soon!
Cycle rickshaws in East Delhi
An obligatory photo of the Taj Mahal
Tourist take cover during a heavy rain at the Taj.
An unelectrified home within sight of a high-voltage transmission line in Purkhawas, Rajasthan. The high cost of connecting smaller villages to the grid has left many homes in the area without electricity.
A women from Purkhawas, Rajasthan crouches next to her stove.
Goat herders in rural Purkhawas, Rajasthan pose for a portrait.
The Jodhpur old city seen from above.
Men from a small village in Purkhawas, Rajasthan sit on a mat while being interviewed by my team members.
The long-distance bus station in Jaipur, Rajasthan at 5am. We stopped here to to catch a painfully early connection back to Delhi.
a quickr pickr post
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